Sunday, April 26, 2009

55 Gallon Update

Hair grass in full force, baby tears in a close second. We've discovered staghorn algae, so we've since trimmed the grass and added some Do! Aqua clearing agent... supposedly gets rid of excess phosphates. We've since added a couple flag fish and a couple of flying foxs to deal with the thread algae. My guess is I'm adding to much liquid fertilizer? Used to add 6 drops a day, now 3 drops a day. Usually 15 drops on a 50% water change. The thread algae blossomed first before the stag. We used blow-out combs to comb the alage out, then for some reason I read somewhere that phosphate pads are bad for planted aquaiums so I removed the one I had going form the canister and then 1 week later the tank was infested with staghorn. ARGHH!! phosphates good? or phosphates bad? how much is ok and how much is not ok? Also anyone know of a safe dechlorinizer for tap water... i read potentially my conditioner drops could be adding crazy amounts of phosphates.


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