Specificities of My Thirty–Five Gallon Freshwater
I recently picked up a mating pair of bristlenose catfish (Ancistrus sp.) and they are great. I heard that they need wood to help their digestion, good thing I just added a huge root. In the pictures above, I caught the moment where the male bristlenose was defending his crib from the discus. I think he's looking for a spot to make babies.
I feel sad for the cherry barb, he's a longe–timer from fistank 1.0. I don't think he's going to make it past the next few days, peace, it's been a wiggle.
The paded plant is something I scooped up from a stream that is doing suprisingly well for the difference in the water. I know I shouldn't do that, but I was responsible, I only took a piece of a larger group and never took more the one specimen and only from a group of plants. It will hopefully lead to a larger scope of work; more to come in further posts.
I've also recently recreated my 5 Gallon Freshwater in 3D, you'll have to be on a pc for now, and download the player here.